Uruguay Military

Uruguay is a sovereign nation located in South America and is known for its strong military and defense. The Uruguayan Armed Forces is the military branch of the country and consists of three branches: Army, Navy, and Air Force. The total active personnel stands at around 22,000 with an additional reserve force of around 12,000 personnel. The country has a moderate defense budget compared to its GDP as it spends about 1.4% of its GDP on defense. Uruguay imports weapons from countries such as Brazil and Argentina, as well as from other European countries such as Spain and France. The country also has strong ties with other nations in the region such as Brazil which allows them to cooperate militarily when needed. As a result of this strong military presence in the region Uruguay has become an important regional player in security issues and is able to maintain peace and stability within South America effectively. See naturegnosis to learn more about the country of Uruguay.


The defense (2008) consists of approximately 25,000 men enlisted and has 9 regiments, 1 naval infantry battalion, 3 frigates, 10 patrol boats, 1 naval fighter aircraft and 19 fighter aircraft. Semi-military security forces amount to 900 men. The equipment is semi-modern, and procurement is mainly from Western countries. Defense costs decreased in 1985-2006 from 3.5% to 1.2% of GDP. To see related acronyms about this country, please check ABBREVIATIONFINDER where you can see that URU stands for Uruguay.

Uruguay Army

Economic decline

The economic model in Uruguay was characterized by ever deeper crisis following the end of the Korean War in 1953. During both World War I and Uruguay, exports of beef, leather and other products from cattle production increased significantly. Exports were aimed at the Allies who had fought Nazism and fascism in Europe and later against the United States and its war in Korea.. Exports gave the country a solid foreign exchange portfolio. used to support the development of the import substitution industry. The development of the industry and the booming construction sector virtually guaranteed full employment in the country, but at the same time cattle production was characterized by stagnation. Instead of investing their revenues in improving production, the landlords invested them abroad, applying them to speculation and extravagant consumption. The consequence was inflation, corruption and rising social tensions. At the same time as exports dropped after the end of the Korean War, the country from the mid-50’s was hit by a deep economic crisis that failed to emerge.

  • COUNTRYAAH: Do you know where is Uruguay on the world map? Come to see the location and all bordering countries of Uruguay.

The first Blanco government of this century won the election in 59 and accepted a number of economic guidelines designed by the IMF, but this only amplified the crisis and led to the backlash from the working parties affected by the crisis policy. The crisis worsened further in 1968 when the Colorado government, led by Jorge Pacheco Areco, froze wages and tried to curb the influence of the trade union movement. A broad popular movement led by the trade union organization CNT that had been formed in 66 as well as the students objected to this policy. Parallel to this development, the guerrilla movement Tupamaros (MLN) emerged.

The national liberation movement Tupamaros had been founded in Montevideo in 1963. One of its leaders was Raúl Sendic, who had participated in the organization of sugar workers for professional struggle in the years before. Tupamaros was the first guerrilla movement to advocate armed struggle in the big cities. In Uruguay, this was linked to the fact that already in the 1960’s more than half of the population lived in the cities. Tupamaros quickly became famous outside the country as a result of a series of kidnappings by foreign diplomats and domestic oligarchs. At the same time, the population was increasing – among other things. due to confiscation of food cars and distribution of food among the poor population. In the late 1960’s, the regime began to deploy military forces in the fight against Tupamaros.