Liechtenstein Military

Liechtenstein is a small country located in Central Europe. With a population of over 38,000 people, it is the least populous country in the region. Liechtenstein is a constitutional monarchy and its military consists of two branches: the Liechtenstein Armed Forces (LAF) and National Police Force (NPF). The LAF are responsible for defending the country’s borders and sovereignty, as well as providing security to its citizens. In terms of defense spending, Liechtenstein spends approximately $25 million annually on its military making it one of the highest defense spending nations per capita in Europe. The country also participates in several United Nations (UN) peacekeeping missions such as those in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo. Liechtenstein is also a member of European Economic Area (EEA), and has close ties with other EEA members such as Austria, Germany and Switzerland. See naturegnosis to learn more about the country of Liechtenstein.


Liechtenstein lacks defense power. To see related acronyms about this country, please check AbbreviationFinder where you can see that LIE stands for Liechtenstein.

Liechtenstein Army

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